Saturday, October 20, 2012

Introducing the Becker Family...

God is soooo good. I am so happy to share that one of my friends is also going to be hosting this winter!

The Beckers: Nathan and Joy, were my next door neighbors when we first moved to Monrovia five years ago. Joy and I were both moms of babies at the time and through the fog of sleepless nights managed to briefly connect before they moved to a larger home (still here in Monrovia) to accomodate their growing family. The funny thing is that we've seen each other more since they moved, even bumping into one another in Big Bear (a mountain resort nearly two hours drive away) once this past winter.

They have decided to host an adorable sibling pair, Natalia and Vitaly, also from Ukraine. I hope you will follow their blog: and that you will join me in praying for Nathan, Joy, and their three kids as they prepare for the arrival of Natalia and Vitaly. It is clear that God has had our families on a similar trajectory for some time now and I am excited to see what he has in store for us all this winter!

An amazing gift that has resulted from their generous decision to host is that now Nastya will have some travel buddies (prior to their decision, there were only Latvian children coming to the west coast). This was one of my main areas of anxiety for Nastya...wondering how a 10 year old girl who had never flown before and who was coming alone to be with my crazy English--speaking family would not be lonely. I hope that having Natalia and Vitaly here will make her visit extra fun! I know we will appreciate the Becker family's company as we travel this road together.

Joy and Nathan, just like Greg and I, saw these childrens' pictures and realized that five weeks of our lives and a little bit of fundraising effort on our parts would be a small sacrifice to make to provide an incredible, once in a lifetime, opportunity for these kids. There are 9 days left for the remaining kids to be hosted and it is NOT too late! Take a leap of faith and take a look at the photolisting. Maybe God has a special child in mind for you too:

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